Help your family stand firm by

Giving Them the Bigger Story

As we researched why our children are leaving the church and often the faith and what helps them stay, we've found that if we can bring them into the Biblical mission and give them a bigger story then they're more likely to stay.

  • Parent Resources

    For our children to be prepared to remain faithful, we have to first be prepared ourselves. The spiritual preparedness resources from Stand Firm can help you do that.

    Check them out 
  • Online Content

    Daily we're providing free content on Facebook to help your families have a faith that lasts.

  • Podcast

    The Stand Firm Parents Podcast is an investigative approach to find how we can help our families have a faith that lasts. Join host Jake McCandless and guests from all over the world.

    Listen or Watch 
  • Family Bible Study & Missions Program

    Rooted is our family Bible Study, discipleship, and missions program modeled after the persecuted, underground church. We provide free training and support.

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  • Speaking

    Jake is available to speak on spiritual preparedness and prophecy through an event, revival, conference, or worship service.

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  • Training

    We provide training to parents and ministry leaders on how to tell the whole story. Jake has a gifting to take difficult subjects in the Bible and train others to teach them to the next generation. He is available to provide teaching at your event and regularly offers online workshops many of which are free.

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  • Coaching

    We offer coaching calls on how to build a faith that lasts in your children.

    Learn more 

Help your family stand firm by

Telling Them the BiGGER Story