Helping PARENTS help their families STAND FIRM

Helping PREPARE believers to Stand Firm

Truth on PROPHECY to Stand Firm
Helping FAMILIES Stand Firm in such a time as this.
New Stand Firm Parents EPISODES

Journeying together to learn how to help our kids have a faith that lasts.
Listen & WatchStand Firm Parent Articles
Parents, Warn Them
My kids shake their head and prepare for a sermon any time they’re headed out to do something or starting something new. It’s been going on since they were born....
Parents, Warn Them
My kids shake their head and prepare for a sermon any time they’re headed out to do something or starting something new. It’s been going on since they were born....
Parents, Get Caught
Now there are things we try to keep from our kids catching us doing— You know, like hiding Christmas presents or yawning when they are reading to us. What were...
Parents, Get Caught
Now there are things we try to keep from our kids catching us doing— You know, like hiding Christmas presents or yawning when they are reading to us. What were...
Parents, Know the F.A.C.T.S. from Your Kids
When my children are away from me whether it’s school, an activity, church, or with a friend—I want to know what they did. I doubt I’m alone. Am I? It’s...
Parents, Know the F.A.C.T.S. from Your Kids
When my children are away from me whether it’s school, an activity, church, or with a friend—I want to know what they did. I doubt I’m alone. Am I? It’s...
Parents, Even If You Feel You’ve Failed, Start ...
One of the hallmarks we hope to achieve with Stand Firm Parents is to be transparent and realistic. And in being transparent and real, we must admit the unfortunate reality...
Parents, Even If You Feel You’ve Failed, Start ...
One of the hallmarks we hope to achieve with Stand Firm Parents is to be transparent and realistic. And in being transparent and real, we must admit the unfortunate reality...

Curriculum to tell the whole story including the return of Jesus.
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